Overview of AdvancedWriters.com
AdvancedWriters.com is an online writing service aiming high school, college and university students. The main website contains very little helpful information, and this information is not categorized well. It takes a long time until you can find exactly what you are looking for.
On the main page you cannot even find a separate section with the services offered. Only when you scroll down the page can you access a short list with a few writing services they offer. These include article critique, research papers, term papers, Thesis and Dissertation writing. We definitely wanted to see there a much more comprehensive list with a full range of solutions that students need.
Quality level, Plagiarism
The quality of the academic papers is extremely poor. The writers here clearly do not have an MA or a PhD degree. The essays or Dissertation chapters contain many grammatical and stylistic mistakes, and editing is also done very poorly.
When you need a paper by a certain deadline, it is extremely important that your essay or Dissertation paper is ready by that time. This company just keeps missing important deadlines, so you cannot rely on them for important papers.
Pricing, Payments
For PhD level Dissertation writing with a deadline of 48 hours, the cost is $45 per page. This means you would have to pay almost $500 for a 10-page essay or Dissertation. Keeping in mind the poor quality they offer and the high prices, this is not a qualitative service that you can trust with your important papers.
Security, Trust and Reliability
They promise students the confidentiality guarantee, but they do not offer an SSL secured platform for payments. As most genuine reviews show, this is not a trustworthy and reliable company regarding quality of the papers, communication, trustworthiness and honesty regarding the academic background of the writers.
Information is scattered all throughout the page, and there is nothing laid out in a logical manner. It is very difficult to find exactly what you are looking for, such as the prices or the services offered. This is not a user friendly website, because it takes to long to find valuable information.
Additional Features
This service does not offer and special deals or extra free features with each Dissertation order to its clients. The most highly regarded companies always offer free features with each order, or instant chat option so that students can track the progress of their paper in real time.
There is a scale based discount available, which is displayed on the main website. The service offers 15% for orders that exceed $2,000. This is an outrageous amount to spend on a few academic papers such as Dissertations or esays. What student can afford this amount?
Overall Experience